Douglas City Hall's address is:
Location map
Douglas City Hall
Ridgeway Street,
Douglas, Isle of Man
IM99 1AD
Below is a list of Council services that can be contacted direct.
If the service you are seeking is not listed below, please contact the City Hall in person or by telephone or email.
The City Hall is open from Monday to Friday, 08:45 - 17:15.
Service | Contact Number | Email Address |
Ballanard Court Sheltered Housing Complex - Office | 01624 696428 | |
Borough Cemetery | 01624 696329 | |
Borough wardens | 01624 696326 | |
Douglas Golf Course - Professional's Shop | 01624 661558 | |
Eastern district civic amenity site | 01624 696425 | |
Hazel Court sheltered housing complex | 01624 696447 | |
Henry Bloom Noble Library | 01624 696461 | |
Housing enquiries | 01624 696435 | |
Human Resources | 01624 696455 | |
Noble's Park | 01624 696334 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Electrical Services | 01624 696385 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Garage (telephone) | 01624 696440 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Garage (fax) | 01624 696441 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Housing Repairs | 01624 696435 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Refuse Collection and Cleansing Department | 01624 696445 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Stores (telephone) | 01624 696430 | |
Operational Services Centre, Ballacottier - Stores (fax) | 01624 696431 | |
Out of Hours Emergencies | 01624 671100 | |
Parks section - Ballaughton Nursery | 01624 696330 | |
Payments Counter | 01624 696344 | |
Rates | 01624 696355 | |
City Hall - All Enquiries (except those listed below) | 01624 696300 | |
Waverley Court Sheltered Housing Complex - Office | 01624 696429 |