With such interesting locations and stunning scenery to enjoy, Douglas is an ideal place to walk around and soak up the historic atmosphere – guaranteed to capture your interest, whether a history buff or not.
Walking, however, is not the only way to take in the sights.The Manx Electric Railway is also a popular way to travel.
Manx electric railway
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Council provide a guide for historic walks around Douglas?
The Council's town centre management section offers a ‘Douglas Trail’ booklet complete with maps and information about many noteworthy Douglas sights and landmarks.
Also, booklets and information are provided free of charge from the Welcome Centre, Town Hall and the Henry Bloom Noble Library.
Can I rent an mp3 player to listen to the audio guide?
Yes, preloaded mp3 players can be hired from the Sea Terminal Welcome Centre.
How long is the Douglas Trail?
The Douglas Trail is a six-mile adventure.
Douglas promenade
Panorama of Douglas Bay