In 1896 the Municipal Borough of Douglas came into being and the town hall building, begun in 1897, was officially opened on May 10th 1900, by the mayor of the time, Alderman Samuel Webb.
At the heart of the City Hall is the council chamber - 47ft long and 33ft wide, with an arched and panelled ceiling by Warings of London - where the Council meets in public once a month, excluding September. .
Public council meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding September) beginning at 14:30. The chamber is located on the first floor to which there is lift access.
The City Hall also features:Inside the Council Chamber
- The Mayor's parlour;
- The committee room;
- Interview rooms;
- City Hall reception counter;
- Housing counter (entrance on John Street);
- Environment & Regeneration department;
- Finance department.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the opening hours?
The City Hall is open Monday to Friday from 08:45 to 17:15
The Finance Counter is open Monday to Thurday 09:30 to 13:00 and 09:30 to 14:30 on Fridays
Can I hire any of the City Hall’s facilities?
Yes, the Council chamber and the committee room are available for hire. Please see 'Useful Links' opposite.