Leader of Douglas Borough Council Councillor David Christian MBE JP has said that: 'Town centre regeneration is the Council’s number one priority'. Douglas Borough Council in partnership with the Isle of Man Government are the two key bodies driving the regeneration of Douglas town centre, the aim of which is to secure the town's long-term economic, social and cultural wellbeing. To this end the Council is investing £2 million in new lighting, signage and waymarking installations throughout the town centre.
Bespoke seating in Nelson Street
The scheme is designed to improve the overall town centre environment, send out a positive ‘open for business’ message and create a town that will attract new business, new investment and greater numbers of visitors.
The town centre must send out an 'open for business' message. Council leader Councillor David Christian MBE JPCouncillor Christian, who sits on the Douglas regeneration committee, has said that town centre regeneration is about: ‘Recognising that a town centre is much more than a place to go shopping. It is a hub of social interaction and, importantly, a highly visible indicator of how well, or how badly, a town is doing.’
The first areas of the town that benefited from the scheme were Upper and Lower Nelson Street and Wellington Street. Those areas provided the opportunity to test high quality materials and installations before they were applied to other, more prominent, sites in the town centre.
Bespoke lighting in Nelson Street
Regent Street, Douglas
Town and Village Centre regeneration grants
The town and village centre regeneration fund offers grants to retailers within or abutting the regeneration area to improve the external appearance of their property.
Schemes supported by the fund include:
- 2 Castle Street – supply and fit two canopies;
- 27 Castle Street – new shop front;
- 26 Victoria Street – installation of new shop front and windows;
- 18 Victoria Street – repairs and painting;
- 7 Marina Road – improvements to roof, re-rendering, scaffolding and windows, painting;
- 55 Duke Street – new shop front;
- Tower House – new signage;
- 24 Strand Street – repainting front of building;
- 63 Strand Street – pigeon spikes and repaint;
- Barclays House, Wellington Street - fencing.
For details about how to apply see the panel opposite.
You can also contact Chris Pycroft, assistant chief officer (regeneration). See panel opposite for details.