Councillor Sara Hackman has been elected Mayor of Douglas for the 2015-2016 municipal year.
Members of the Council voted unanimously to elect Councillor Hackman at a statutory public Council meeting held on Wednesday May 13th 2015.
Retiring Mayor Councillor Stan Cain invests Councillor Hackman with the chain of office
Nominating Councillor Hackman was Councillor David Ashford who referred to her as ‘a hard working member’ and ‘a passionate and vocal supporter’ of the Council’s Big Tidy Up campaigns. She was, he said, ‘someone who has great energy and boundless enthusiasm’, qualities he was confident she would apply to her role as Mayor of Douglas.
The Mayor and Mayoress of Douglas
Seconder was Councillor Carol Malarkey, who referred to ‘the time and effort’ Councillor Hackman had devoted to the Council, not only in committee matters where her contributions were always valued but also in her dedication to fundraising for local good causes and her involvement in environmental issues.
Her Worship and the Deputy Mayor Councillor Debbie Pitts
In closing Councillor Malarkey said: ‘Sara has one very special quality I know will mark out her year as Mayor. She always has very the best interests of the people of Douglas and the
Her Worship and the Deputy Mayor's Consort, Adrian Dalton
In her address Her Worship said it was ‘an honour and a privilege’ to have been elected Mayor and that she was ‘totally humbled and proud’.
Her Worship with Paul Cain, Kristian Hackman, Benjamin Hackman, Ben Caulfield and Eileen Hackman
She referred to the changes in the way services were being delivered in the
Her Worship with her sons Kristian and Benjamin
‘It can only be good that services provided at a local level should be managed at that level instead of by central government, and I hope that the process of change will continue in the same way.’
Her Worship and the retiring Mayor Councillor Stan Cain
Moving on to the community of
As a passionate supporter of protecting the environment she issued a call to action for households to recycle, saying: ‘We all know it is right to recycle, and it takes hardly any effort, so that message is one that I shall seek to actively pursue over the next 12 months.’
In closing she said: ‘I intend to do my utmost to promote our beautiful town of
In a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor Councillor Betty Quirk said Councillor Stan Cain had ‘represented the Council to the very best of his ability, sparing no effort to show the Council in a good light, and to publicise the good things it does in the interests of the ratepayers.’ In conducting his civic duties he had, she said, been ‘a dignified representative’ of
Seconding the vote of thanks Councillor Raina Chatel said Councillor Cain’s dedication and hard work had reflected ‘great credit on the Council.’
In his response Councillor Cain said that his year in office had been ‘very busy but very enjoyable’ and that he would reflect on his time as Mayor ‘with fond memories.’
The Archdeacon of Man the Ven Andrew Brown with the Mayor and Mayoress
Her Worship will be supported by Councillor Carol Malarkey as Mayoress. Councillor Debbie Pitts will serve as Deputy Mayor and Mr Adrian Dalton as Deputy Mayor’s Consort. The Archdeacon of Man, the Ven Andrew Brown, will serve as Mayor’s Chaplain.