Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Sara Hackman JP presented long service awards to four employees on Tuesday June 2.
Her Worship with Jeremy Woods, Robert Noonan, Steven Dugdale and Sue Harrison
Assistant chief executive Sue Harrison, 20 years; transport and plant manager Steven Dugdale and joiner Robert Noonan, 30 years and assistant facilities and purchasing manager Jeremy Woods, 40 years.
Unable to attend were accountancy manager Robert Davies, 20 years and gully emptier operative William Pye, 30 years.
Presenting the awards Her Worship expressed the Council’s ‘appreciation of those who had reached a landmark’. She continued: ‘In this day and age working for the same employer for a long period is very unusual. I would like to think you have done so because you enjoy working for the Council; the benefit is mutual, as the Council relies very much on the experience built up by its staff.
'The Council, as a caring employer, takes great pleasure in actively expressing appreciation of its staff, and the all the Members of the Counil fully recognise the efforts and service put in by staff at all levels within the organisation.’