His Worship the Mayor Councillor John Skinner JP and the mayoress, his wife Mrs Gill Skinner, visited the Annie Gill training coffee bar unit at the
There was a distinct taste of
The Annie Gill unit is where students with special needs take part in tailored programmes. It is named after Annie Gill CBE, a Manx woman who, as matron of the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh from 1907 to 1925, was
She went on to preside over the Royal College of Nursing from 1927-29.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Luke Seed
The unit accommodates students who are 16 or over with profound and multiple learning difficulties and disabilities, severe learning difficulties, complex learning difficulties and multiple learning difficulties, ensuring they can be educated, no matter how complex their needs and can learn a range of skills.
Jason Campbell takes the orders for lunch
The unit features a flexible social enterprise area with a working café for work experience, training and socialising.