A family treasure hunt has launched the 2016-2017 mayoral charity appeal.
£300 was raised by families taking part in the event in Noble’s Park where His Worship the Mayor, Councillor John Skinner JP, presented the prizes.
First-place winners were the Bratty and Inskip families (pictured below), while first person back from the hunt was eight-year-old Calum Henney.
First person back from the treasure hunt Calum Henney, eight, receives his prize from His Worship the Mayor
Treasure hunters Ethan Bratty, nine, Nathan Inskip, 11. Kieran Inskip and Kieran Bratty, both aged 12
Selected jointly by His Worship and the Mayoress Mrs Gill Skinner, the three charities to benefit from the appeal are Manx Decaf, Naseem’s Brain Tumour Charity and Anthony Nolan Isle of