His Worship the Mayor, Councillor John Skinner JP, officially launched the Island's 2016 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal on Saturday October 29 at the Strand Shopping Centre, Douglas.
In a short address he spoke of how the appeal served to honour those who lost their lives in conflict and support those who survived but whose lives have been affected by war. In closing he urged everyone to wear their poppy 'with pride'.
The Mayor and Mayoress with standard bearer Dawn Quinney, Rachel Cherry, standard bearer Jim Cottier, the Hon Steve Rodan, MLC, Pam Collister, Hilary Cleverley, the Hon Juan Watterson SHK and standard bearer James Cherry
The launch was accompanied by, in the words of President of Tynwald and Royal British Legion Isle of Man county president the Hon Steve Rodan MLC 'stirrinbg music' from Ellan Vannin Pipes and Drums and singing by the Isle of Man Womens' Institute choir.
Isle of Man Army cadet Charlie Bell, 13 with the Mayor and Mayoress
Providing ceremonial support were members of the Isle of Man Army cadet force.