The importance of ‘looking at the bigger picture’ to create ‘a more caring society’ was the theme of the Archdeacon of Man the Ven Andrew Brown’s address at Douglas’s Civic Sunday service.
The Archdeacon, the Ven Andrew Brown, welcomes the congregation
Ahead of the service on Sunday June 11 Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Debbie Pitts JP led the civic party (pictured below) from Douglas town hall to St George’s Church, where the Archdeacon, who was joined by the Rev Alessandra Di Chiara and Monsignor John Devine, welcomed the congregation.
In his address Canon Brown, who serves as chaplain to Her Worship, said it was ‘a privilege to watch democracy in action’ during the Council’s monthly public meetings. Against the background of the recent bye-election in Douglas and the 2016 Manx general election he said he would urge his congregation always to exercise their right to vote and he paid tribute to Members of Douglas Borough Council and of the House of Keys, describing them as ‘people willing to make a difference’.
The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Stephen Pitts, read the First Lesson, Isiah 58:6 – 9a and Her Worship the Second Lesson, Philippians 4:4 – 9.
A musicial interlude was provided by Robyn Mae Lawler, (pictured below) who sang ‘I’ll walk with God’ by Nicholas Brodzsky.