The Lord Bishop of Sodor of Man, the Rt Revd Peter Eagles, took the obligations of public service as his theme for his address at Douglas Borough Council’s civic Sunday service held on Sunday June 9 at St George’s parish church.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Deputy Mayoress Councillor Janet Thommeny and Deputy Mayor Councillor Debbie Pitts and Chief Executive Kathleen Rice
The Bishop with the Rev Alessandra Di Chiara
He spoke of the duty of those in central and local government to ‘identify need and improve the lot of others’ and went on to say: ‘What we do in public service will have an impact for generations to come.’
The service was presided over by His Worship the Mayor, Councillor Jonathan Joughin JP, who read the First Lesson from the Book of Isaiah 61:1-4 while the Second Lesson was delivered by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Debbie Pitts, who read from Acts 2:1-8 and 12-18.
The Bishop was assisted by the Rev Alessandra Di Chiara, Associate Vicar of St George and All Saints parish and the service included a musical interlude by Robyn-Mae Lawler who sang Schubert’s Ave Maria.