The acquisition of two new waste management vehicles will see Douglas Borough Council boost capacity of its kerbside collection service with the addition of brown cardboard to the list of acceptable recyclable materials.
The new Euro 6-compliant Romaquip ‘Kerb-Sort’ vehicles are the latest to be acquired as part of the Council’s rolling fleet replacement programme. Equipped with an additional compartment for brown cardboard, the vehicles have compaction capability for plastics and cans as well as for cardboard. Additionally – and unlike the vehicles they replace – the Kerb-Sorts have hoppers fitted to both sides allowing simultaneous loading, significantly improving speed and efficiency of collections.
Environmental Services Committee Chair Councillor Ritchie McNicholl said: ‘Recycling isn’t just a good thing to do, it’s the right and responsible thing to do. The Council is doing all it can to reduce its carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy and fuel-efficient vehicles and working hard to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. It is not only a commitment enshrined in the Council’s Corporate Plan but also illustrates our support of the government’s climate change agenda. The Council cannot, however, be a driver for change alone. Safeguarding the environment for future generations is a community issue that demands a community response. Once again I would urge all householders to think: “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle”.’
Environmental Services Committee Chair Councillor Ritchie McNicholl alongside the brown cardboard baler at the Ballacottier Service Centre
Braddan Commissioners’ Chairman Andrew Jessopp added: ‘Braddan Commissioners are very pleased that the new vehicles are being brought in to service, this should act as an added incentive to residents to participate in the kerbside collection service and we are even more delighted to hear that the collection of brown card for recycling has been reinstated.’
Householders are asked to include brown cardboard with their paper and white/grey card for collection when the expanded service comes into effect in November; householders will be informed of the dates closer to the time. Collection days will remain unchanged.
Householders are reminded that material for collection should be separated as follows:
• Green box: plastic bottles and cans;
• Blue box: glass bottles;
• Box/bag: newspapers, magazines, white and grey card, brown cardboard (all packaging removed).
Householders choosing not to use three receptacles can be assured that the material will still be collected.
Additional bags or boxes are available on request by contacting Waste Services on 696445 or emailing