Noble’s Park fun day will be on Saturday August 7, the event’s organiser, Douglas Borough Council, has confirmed.
Sponsored once again by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company and with Manx Radio as media partner, the Fun Day will be from 12noon to 4pm.
A scene from the 2020 Fun Day
As in previous years, admission and a wide range of entertainment, activities and children’s rides will all be free.
The Council’s Regeneration and Community Committee Chair Councillor Stephen Pitts said: ‘Last year, because of Covid restrictions, the Fun Day was one of the few large-scale community events that could go ahead and it attracted record crowds.
‘We’re very grateful to the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company for their continued sponsorship and for the support of the many local businesses, charitable organisations and volunteers that ensure the success of this crowd-pleasing event.’
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company chief executive Mark Woodward said: ‘A huge amount of effort goes into ensuring this is not only an action-packed family day out but also an affordable event which is why our sponsorship is important.
‘It is a true community fun day which we are delighted to support and feel sure with a wide range of attractions, activities and children’s rides all free of charge, everyone involved will have a great time and enjoy themselves.’
Local retailers, charitable and volunteer organisations and car boot traders are invited to apply for a pitch. Contact Christina Cullen, 696311.
To find out more, find Douglas Borough Council on Facebook.