Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Carol Malarkey JP, recently visited the Ellan Vannin Care Home in Kingswood Grove.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Muriel Watterson
Accompanied by the Mayoress, Councillor Sara Hackman and fellow Council Members, she was welcomed by members of the ladies' committee, two members of which, Anne Clarke (pictured left) and Lynn Craine, outlined the history of the home, one of the Island's oldest charities, and explained plans to extend the building, funds permitting.
Later guests toured the premises and met some of the residents, accompanied board director Derek Hudson.
Councillor Betty Quirk with Lena Corlett
The Mayor with Margaret Jones
The Mayor and Mayoress with Greta Conibear
The Mayor and Mayoress and Councillor Betty Quirk with board members Anne Clarke and Derek Hudson