The sun shone, players turned out in force and £992 was raised for the mayoral charity appeal fund at a golf day held at Douglas golf course on Friday April 11th.
The Mayor of Douglas Councillor Carol Malarkey and Anne Doyle
Don Moyer, Ian Watt, Mike Vipond, Mike Murray and Peter Moy
President's team: Mike Kenna, Barry Skillicorn, Ken Tomlinson and IOM Golf Association president Roy Moore
Stephen Moore, Tony Crawley, Neil Morrison and Don Taylor
T Peace, P Joughin, Rob Clacton and Nick McCarthy
David Christian, Karl Logan, Samuel Barr and Neil Keatings
Tony Kelly, Keith Ward, Brian Brew and Jason Corkill
The Hansard team
Neil Keatings
Karl Logan
Sam Barr
Dave Christian
Keith Ward
Tony Kelly
Brian Brown
Jason Corkhill
Nearest the Pin:
Tony Kelly (Hole 1)
Trevor Peace (Hole 4)
Ian Watt (Hole 8)
Don Moyer (Hole 11)
Neil Morrison (Hole 17)
The money raised will go to Junior Achievement Isle of Man, Manx Workshop for the Disabled, Tabitha's Trust and Victim Support.