The Henry Bloom Noble Library has launched this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, The Mythical Maze.
Sponsored by Scottish Widows for the seventh year in succession the challenge is an initiative of independent charity The Reading Agency and supported by the library. It aims to open up the world of books to children, encourage creativity and widen their reading range by challenging them to read six library books during the summer holidays.
Borough librarian Jan Macartney and Scottish Widows' managing director Juan Clarke with Daniel, seven and Ella, nine, Malone
The Mythical Maze tasks children to find their way through a labyrinth that introduces them to fantastical creatures from the world of legend and mythology, collecting stickers of each character along the way.
Scottish Widows' Janice Goring with Cowley triplets Ben, Harry and Georgia, 10
In support of the challenge is a series of workshops at the library: July 30th and August 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th from 10:30 to 11:30 and 15:00 to 16:00.
Janice Goring and Jan Macartney with Elise Dowling, nine
Every week there’ll be a different mythical theme. There’s also a ‘Design Your Own Mythical Creature’ competition with three prizes on offer, a true or false quiz about mythical creatures with more prizes and the chance to submit book reviews and win book tokens.
Entry to the workshops is by ticket only, priced £1 per child.
All children who complete the challenge will be invited to a presentation ceremony in September when they will receive a medal and certificate from the Mayor of Douglas, Councillor Stan Cain.
The Henry Bloom Noble Library is an accredited Isle of Man Children’s University learning destination, which means every child with a Passport to Learning will be entitled to earn a stamp for every book they read and every workshop event they attend.
Mythical Maze registration runs daily Monday to Saturday at the ground floor counter of the library.
The Henry Bloom Noble Library is at 10 Victoria Street, Douglas.