CAD/engineering technician Stephen Halsall has won the Isle of Man College's higher education student of the year award.
In addition to his student of the year award Mr Halsall won the CIOB Carl Fletcher Most Outstanding HNC construction student award and the Creative Design Award for Construction, a competition to design a Ramsey yacht club for which Mr Halsall’s submission was an eco-friendly interpretation of the brief.
Stephen Halsall with His Worship and assistant borough engineer Alan Donnelly and borough engineer Ian Clague
The awards follow Mr Halsall’s completing his two-year HNC in construction and the built environment.
To mark his achievements the 31-year-old technician, a Council employee of nine years' standing, was invited to the Mayor's parlour to meet His Worship the Mayor, Councillor Stan Cain JP where he was joined by borough engineer Ian Clague and assistant borough engineer Alan Donnelly.
The occasion provided the opportunity for His Worship to congratulate Mr Halsall and to comment on the Council's commitment to investing in its employees' professional development and keeping as many departmental functions in-house to contain costs. Mr Clague added that Mr Halsall's success was a practical demonstration of the Council's strategy to build productive links with government.