More than 40 children were at the first day of registration for the creepy-themed Summer Reading Challenge 2013 at the Henry Bloom Noble Library.
Registered for Creepy House are Conor Harper, seven, Ciara Harper, five and Cameron Brew, seven with Scottish Widows' Juan Clark and Janice Goring and the library's Shirley Moore
An initiative of independent charity The Reading Agency the challenge is being sponsored, for the sixth successive year, by Scottish Widows at the library, an accredited Isle of Man Children’s University learning destination, which means every child with a ‘Passport to Learning’ will be entitled to earn a stamp for every book they read and every workshop event they attend.
Cameron Brew, seven, Ciara Harper, five and Conor Harley, seven with the library's Shirley Moore, back row centre and Scottish Widows' Janice Goring, Juan Clarke, Julie Brain and Nigel Kennett
Over the summer holidays children will be taking part in a range of spine-tingling reading activities and workshops and collecting pungent-smelling stickers to complete a collectable Creepy House poster.
Entry to the workshops is by ticket only, priced £1 per child. Full details are given in the goodie bags that come as part of the registration package.
All children who complete the challenge will be invited to a presentation ceremony where they will receive a medal and certificate from Her Worship the Mayor of Douglas Councillor Carol Malarkey JP.
Children can register for Creepy House Monday to Saturday at the ground floor counter of the library.
The Henry Bloom Noble Library is at 10 Victoria Street, Douglas.
For more information see the panel opposite.