Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Carol Malarkey JP witnessed first-hand the wonders of witches and all things spine-tingling when she attended a Summer Reading Challenge workshop at the Henry Bloom Noble Library.
Her Worship with 'witch for the day' local author Linda Mann and Creepy House followers
The library is supporting and Scottish Widows sponsoring the challenge which is taking as its theme this year 'Creepy House'. The challenge is an initiative of independent charity The Reading Agency that aims to encourage young children discover the world of books and stimulate a love of reading. The library is an accredited Isle of Man Children's University learning destination, which means every child with a Passport to Learning will be entitled to earn a stamp for every book they read and workshop event they attend during the challenge.
Scottish Widows' Sharon Sayle with four-year-old Molly Hunter
Sarah Gale with daughter Emma, four and son James, six