Anansi, the mythical god of all knowledge of stories, was the theme for the fourth week of activity sessions for the Mythical Maze, the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge at the Henry Bloom Noble Library being sponsored for the seventh year in succession by Scottish Widows.
Shirley Moore with Johan and Nicolas Malabuyoc, nine and eight, and Amelia Lee, nine
As always, senior library assistant Shirley Moore devised and led the workshops which continue to delight the challenge's young followers...and a good number of their parents, too.
Sarah Hindley and Lauren Percival. both aged seven, with Paula Percival
Harry Bedford, eight...Now you see him you don't
James Drummond, eight and Jasmine Ruston, six with Lyndsey Ruston
Scottish Widows managing director Juan Clarke joins the Mythical Mazers