For the second year in succession Anagh Coar primary school has won the £100 Waterstone’s voucher sponsored by Scottish Widows at the end of the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge.
Head girl Izzy Scarffe, 10, with, left to right, borough librarian Jan Macartney, headteacher Robert Coole, Scottish Widows' Janice Goring and senior library assistant Shirley Moore
The school fielded the highest number of pupils per percentage of school population completing the challenge, which took for its theme ‘Mythical Maze.’
Sponsored by Scottish Widows for the seventh year in succession the challenge, an initiative of independent charity The Reading Agency and supported by the Henry Bloom Noble Library, aims to open up the world of books to children, encourage creativity and widen their reading range by challenging them to read six library books during the summer holidays.
10-year-old head girl Izzy Scarffe received the voucher on behalf of the school from Scottish Widows’ Janice Goring.