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The Island’s new Eastern Civic Amenity Site (ECAS) – located at a 150,000 square foot site, roughly the size of three football pitches – will open next week.

There’s just under a month until the Island’s new Eastern Civic Amenity site opens at Middle Park in Braddan.

Could you be a Community Champion?

Friday, 19 May 2023 13:44

The search is on to find two Douglas residents who go above and beyond in support of their community.

Mayor of Douglas City Council, Natalie Byron-Teare, has confirmed she will be supporting three local charities over the next 12 months.

Mrs Natalie Byron-Teare has been elected to serve as the Mayor of Douglas for the 2023-24 municipal year.

Statement on Isle of Man Local Government Superannuation Scheme

Councillor Claire Wells has been re-elected as Leader of Douglas Council.Mrs Wells, who represents the Douglas South constituency, will continue in the position until 2025.

The Chairs and make-up of various Council committees for the 2023-2025 municipal term were also chosen at a special meeting of the local authority yesterday afternoon (Wednesday).

Honorary Freeman Accolade for Paul Cowin

Friday, 28 April 2023 16:20

The highest honour that Douglas Council can bestow has been awarded posthumously to a figure who devoted almost half a century of his life to the capital.