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Eastern Household Waste Recycling Centre



The whole site will be closed to the public due to the red weather warning due for this day.
We hope to re-open the whole site on Saturday 25 January, obviously, weather dependant.
Civic Amenity Site Users - 10 January 2025 price update 
Please note that from the 10th January 2025 the new charges for non-hazardous WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations) items are as follows: -
Item                                           Charge per item
Cooker/range/double oven      £20.00
Cooker (free standing)              £20.00
Cooker (built in)                        £20.00
Cooker (mini)                            £10.00
Washing machine                     £20.00
Dishwasher                               £20.00
Tumble dryer                            £20.00
Microwave                               £10.00
Lawnmower                             £10.00
Oil filled radiator                      £5.00
Treadmill                                   £20.00
Exercise bike/rowing machine  £10.00
The above list of charges varies from that which was announced on 2nd January, and follows an emergency meeting of the Eastern Civic Amenity Site Committee held on 8th January 2025.
The new charges relate to changes in the way the UK Government now regulates the cross-border transportation of Electrical and Electronic items, which came in to force on 1st January 2025.




Customers using the Civic Amenity Site - changes to pricing 2025


Having received notification from Government regarding the new Contract to collect WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations) items.


Please note the following new charges for disposing of ‘hazardous WEEE at the Civic Amenity Site’ from 2nd January 2025.


Item                                          New charge at the Eastern CA site from 1st January 2025


Standard fridge                            £53.00

Medium Fridge                             £71.00

Large fridge                                 £128.00

Television                                    £23.00

PC Monitor                                  £14.00

Cost per laptop                           £14.00

Condensing/washer/dryer          £53.00


In addition, as per our Facebook message on 5th December, due to changes in the UK Government’s regulations concerning the transportation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, it is also now necessary to levy charges from 2nd January for the following items:


Item                                                       Cost per item


Cooker/range/double oven                     £35.00

Cooker (free standing)                            £27.00

Cooker (built in)                                      £27.00

Cooker (mini)                                          £18.00

Washing machine                                   £41.00

Dishwasher                                             £30.00

Tumble dryer                                           £24.00

Microwave                                               £12.00

Lawnmower                                             £12.00

Oil filled radiator                                       £6.00

Treadmill                                                  £30.00

Exercise bike/rowing machine                 £12.00                               





Eastern Civic Amenity Site - Update December 2024


Please see changes shown below for customers who use the Eastern Civic Amenity Site.
Due to changes in the UK Governments’ regulations surrounding the shipment of materials to the UK for recycling, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture has introduced a policy that all electrical and electronic items are to be collected separately.
All customers wishing to dispose of electrical and electronic items and batteries at the Civic Amenity Site, must place them into separate containers.
In order to prevent delays, it is requested that customers separate electrical and electronic items and batteries prior to arriving at site.
Staff on site will be able to assist with the containers to be used for depositing these items. If in doubt, please ask.
Your assistance with these changes is greatly appreciated.



New Location Reminder of the site 


Please note that the new location of the Eastern Civc Household Site is now at Middle Park Industrial Estate, off Kewaigue Hill  IM4 1JL and is no longer located at the rear of the old power station in Pulrose.



Eastern Household Waste Recycling Centre   

Due to the IOM Government Bring Bank contract no longer accepting plastic at their various sites, Douglas City Council will collect the material at the Eastern Civic Amenity Site and they can now accept the following plastic types:


“1”, “2” and “5”.  These numbers are normally stamped within the small “recycle triangle” that is located on the plastic item. Note we do ask that very soft plastic (such as cling film, etc.) is removed from plastic trays/tubs before being placed inside the plastic recycle bin.


For further information about the plastic types and what the Council does with the material we collect, please visit the website



Note that the height barrier now has since been removed from the entrance - so there is no longer the need to only attend on certain days, as access is now available during all current working hours.



General Information about the site 


Summer hours April 1st and September 30th, the centre is open Monday to Saturday from 08:00-18:00 and from 08:00-15:45 on Sundays and Bank Holidays.  


Winter hours - October 1st to March 31st - hours 08.00 - 16.00 each day throughout the week including any Bank Holidays.


Last entry is alwasy 15 minutes before closing time.


Note that the re-use shed will be closed 30 minutes before the site is shut - and  - in the event of any adverse weather condtions, it may be necessary to temporarily close the the re-use shed.


The centre is particularly useful for bulky items such as televisions or washing machines, excess household waste or any waste deemed unacceptable as domestic waste.


Accepted materials at the centre include: televisions, computer monitors, fluorescent light tubes, lead acid batteries, dry cell batteries, scrap metal, garden waste, aluminium, paper, clothing and dirty engine oil.


IOM Creamery milk cartons - there is now a recycle wheelie bin for the IOM Creamery milk cartons at the CA site: there is still a dedicated recycle bin located at Tesco's car park where they can be deposited. As this milk carton recycle scheme is not part of the Douglas Council kerbside service, the milk cartons cannot be placed in the recycle boxes that you may have at home and can be brought to the CA site or Tesco site too. 


On-site payment must be by debit card only. Cash will not be accepted. Alternatively customers may pay in advance at the Finance counter where they will be issued with a receipt which must be produced at the site before the disposal service can be provided.


The Eastern Civic Amenity Site Joint Committee, which operates the centre, applies rules which ban the depositing of commercial waste and ensure that the site is well managed and easy to use for domestic users. 


The rules set out: 


  • A limit to the amount of rubble and inert waste being brought in to six rubble bags (or equivalent quantity) per person per week or 12 bags in a month
  • A limit to the time any individual may remain in the re-use area and for vehicles to be parked on site to 15 minutes in any one day; and:
  • Protection for users and staff on the site from abusive or threatening behaviour. 


Anyone breaching the rules will first be warned that they are in breach, and if they persist they may be barred from using the Site. The staff of the contractor operating the site have the full authority of the committee to do so.


Domestic users may use the centre to recycle:


• Scrap metal (ferrous and non-ferrous);

• Green waste;

• Cardboard - please make sure that there is no packaging left inside the cardboard;

• Clothing;

• Paper;

• Plastic bottles;

• Glass bottles;

• Cans.

• Hardcore from DIY activities (in limited quantities);

• Car batteries;

• Household batteries;

• Fluorescent tubes and lamps;

• Engine oil

• Fridges and freezers (charges apply);

• TV’s and PC monitors (charges apply);

• Small electrical appliances;

• General household waste for the Energy from Waste Plant


Disposal charges - updated from JANUARY 2025:


  • Under counter fridge maximum weight - 50kg -    £53.00
  • Chest fridge/freezer maximum weight -   100kg - £71.00
  • American style fridge 150kg+ -                             £128.00
  • PC monitors                                                          £14.00;
  • Television set                                                        £23.00;
  • Laptop                                                                   £14.00;
  • Dehumidifier                                                          £34.00
  • Condensing washer/dryer                                     £53.00 



The Eastern District Civic Amenity Site Joint Committee is a joint committee of all the local authorities for Douglas, Onchan, Braddan, Laxey, Lonan and Santon.  


The operator of the centre, under contract to the committee, is Douglas City Council. 






Frequently Asked Questions

When is the centre open?

Summer (1st April to 30 September) hours 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday and 8.00am to 4.00pm on Sunday.

Winter (1st October to 31st March) hours 8.00am to 4.00pm each day.



Please note: Last entry 15 minutes before published closing time. 

Are there any days when the centre is closed?

The site is closed on New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Tynwald Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

I don’t live in the Douglas area, can I still use the centre?


 How can i pay to dispose of Chargeable goods? 

Cash and cheques will not be accepted at the site.

Only payments by debit card can be made at the site. Cash payments can be made in advance at the council's payments desk at the City Hall and a receipt will be issued to confirm payment has been received prior to bringing chargeable items to the site. The receipt will need to be produced to deposit a fridge, freezer, TV, or Computer monitor at the Civic Amenity Site


Is there a home collection service available?

A home collection service is available but is chargeable. Details and quotations can be obtained by telephoning the City Hall on 696445.

Last modified on Thursday, 23 January 2025 15:31
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Contact Details

  • Eastern District CA Site
    01624 696425