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Council's workforce congratulated on clear-up operation.

Published in Council News

Spectacular display, visible the length of the promenade.

Published in Council News

Apart from the damp start, Douglas Carnival got everyone 'feline fine'.

Published in Council News

A blooming good show by St Thomas's School.

Published in Library News

The ultimate community event comes to town on July 19th 

Published in Council News

Promoting Island of Culture the length of the promenade.

Published in Council News

Workers praised for dealing with promenade damage caused by high spring tides and gales.

Published in Council News

The Douglas war memorial was unveiled and dedicated at a ceremony on Thursday May 29th 1924.

Published in Info

Douglas promenade dates from the late 1800s when Loch Promenade was completed in 1882.

Published in Services

Founded in 1876 by Thomas Lightfoot at the peak of the Victorian tourist trade, the trams quickly became a popular attraction.

Published in Info
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