His Worship the Mayor, Councillor Stan Cain JP, raised the Commonwealth flag on Monday March 9th in recognition of Commonwealth Day.
Ahead of raising the flag His Worship read the Commonwealth affirmation:
‘Joining together as members of one worldwide Commonwealth community and valuing the personal dignity and worth of every citizen, we raise this flag as a symbol of the ties of kinship and affinity we cherish. We draw inspiration from our diversity and the opportunities for working together, as a rich source of wisdom and a powerful influence for good in the world. We affirm our commitment to upholding the values set out in the Commonwealth Charter to serving one another in a spirit of respect and understanding and to enhancing development, democracy and co-operation locally, nationally and internationally.’
The Mayor and Mayoress with councillors Betty Quirk and Bill Malarkey
This was followed by the response:
‘Our pledge is to support the Commonwealth working together for a future in which there is freedom and justice and prosperity for all, with peace and understanding between peoples and nations.’
The flag adjacent to the town hall was one of more than 500 raised. Among nations supporting the event were England, Scotland, Malta, New Zealand, Belize, Jamaica, Mauritius and Sri Lanka, as well as the Rothera Research Station on the Antarctic Peninsula, Tristan Da Cunha and Tonga.