The 2014 Tower of Refuge escorted walk in aid of the RNLI is to take place on Tuesday April 1st.
A scene from the 2013 escorted walk
For the third successive year Tower Insurance has agreed to sponsor the event which, in 2013, attracted around 2,800 participants and raised in the region of £2,500.
As in previous years the walk is being organised by Douglas Development Partnership. Town centre manager Michelle O’Malley said: ‘We’re very grateful to Tower Insurance for their continued support of the walk out to Conister Rock which is becoming something of a permanent fixture in the town’s community event calendar. The tower, its history and association with the RNLI continue to exert a fascination as evidenced by the numbers it draws each year. Not only is it a great fundraising event that appeals to people of all ages but, given the crowds it attracts, it also benefits a good number of the town’s businesses, especially bars, cafés and restaurants.’
Tower Insurance managing director Peter Gallagher said: ‘The core value of our business, protection, resonates strongly with that of the RNLI and the original purpose for which the Tower of Refuge was intended. It is against this background that Tower Insurance is pleased to be sponsoring the Tower of Refuge walk for the third year in succession.’
Ms O’Malley continued: ‘It’s early days yet so the finer points of the walk have still to be confirmed. Given the date, however, you’d be foolish not to take part.’
The Tower Insurance Tower of Refuge escorted walk is open to all ages, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing and footwear must be worn and instructions by the coastguards and stewards followed at all times.
Subject to weather and tidal conditions the walk is expected to begin at approximately 6pm.
For the latest news on the walk check out Douglas Town Centre Management’s Facebook page or contact Michelle O’Malley. Please refer to the panel opposite.