The Mayor of Douglas, Councillor Carol Malarkey JP hosted a reception for the winners of the Best Dressed Business, a competition organised by Douglas Development Partnership in the run-up to Christmas 2013 to find the businesses with the best Christmas window displays.
Photos of businesses’ windows were posted on Douglas Development Partnership’s Facebook page where visitors were invited to cast their votes in two categories: independent and chain store.
The independent prize went to Head Candy, winning the Market Hill hairdressing salon a full-page advertising space in Gallery magazine and a year’s free advertising from Manx Radio.
The chain store prize went to fashion store Monsoon in Strand Street, which won a donation of £200 to their chosen charity, Hospice Isle of Man, sponsored by Douglas Development Partnership.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Gallery magazine editor Steve Redford and Heady Candy's Karyn Dickinson and Alexandra Mussett
The Mayor and Mayoress with Hospice's Margaret Simpson and Mary Doyle and Monsoon's Kirsty Love, Shane Hill and Pauline Stocks