The first civil marriage has taken place at Douglas Town Hall since the Council became the Island’s first local authority to receive approval to hold civil ceremonies in the building.
The marriage between Olja Black and Paul John Sayle was held at the Town Hall on Saturday January 11th in the Council Chamber, which had been decorated with floral displays created by the Council’s parks section.
Ms Black and Mr Sayle with registrars Sue Cain and Patricia Birch
Council Leader Councillor David Christian MBE JP said: ‘We were delighted that Ms Black and Mr Sayle chose Douglas town hall as the venue for their marriage. The Council Chamber makes a suitably imposing setting for memorable celebrations such as this – as it does for conducting Council business – although I am sure on this occasion there was no call for the electronic voting system to be employed. On behalf of the Council I would like to extend to the happy couple our very best wishes for the future.’
On August 1st, 2013 the Chief Registrar granted three-year Approved Place status to the Council Chamber of Douglas Town Hall to serve as a licensed venue for the solemnisation of civil marriages and formation of civil partnerships. For further information please refer to the panel opposite.
The Council Chamber may be viewed here.