Her Worship the Mayor of Douglas Councillor Carol Malarkey JP is to brave the waves on Friday January 31st in aid of charity.
Together with the Mayoress Councillor Sara Hackman Her Worship is leading the 2014 Deeply Dippy fundraising event that will see (fool?)hardy individuals putting a foot and more in the water at the bays in Douglas, Ramsey, Gansey, Port Erin and Port St Mary in aid of the mayoral charity appeal, which will be making a contribution from the money raised to the RNLI.
Her Worship with Deeply Dippy participants, supporters and representatives of charities to benefit from the mayoral charity appeal
Her Worship said: ‘January is not the most appealing of months, so what better way to celebrate its end than by going “deeply dippy”. A good number of volunteers and supporters have come forward but we would welcome more to join us. It may not be quite “Bay Watch” but the dip’s supporting some very worthy causes, so do please don your one-piece, two-piece, wetsuit or whatever and make a splash for Deeply Dippy 2014.’
Deeply Dippy registration and breakfast will be at the Palace Hotel between 8.30 and 9am on Friday January 31st.
For more information ahead of the event contact Her Worship the Mayor, 494133 or the Mayoress 458445.
The ‘civic dippers’ will start at Ramsey Bay at 10.30am, then travel to Peel, Gansey, Port St Mary and Port Erin then return to Douglas at 3.30pm for the Douglas Deeply Dippy Dip opposite the Palace Hotel.
Participants will be invited to join the Mayor and Mayoress that evening for a reception in Douglas Town Hall. (Flippers not required).