Councillor Stanley (Stan) Cain has been elected Mayor of Douglas for the 2014-2015 municipal year.
His Worship Councillor Stan Cain with Councillors Raina Chatel, Elizabeth (Betty) Quirk and retiring Mayor Councillor Carol Malarkey
Members of the Council voted unanimously to elect Councillor Cain at a statutory public Council meeting held on Wednesday May 14th 2014.
Nominating Councillor Cain was Councillor Eilzabeth Quirk who outlined his long-standing ties with the Borough, in particular with Pulrose, and how in 2008 and 2012 he had ‘topped the poll’ in Athol Ward.
Councillor Raina Chatel, who seconded the nomination, referred to Councillor Cain’s sporting past when he played football for St Mary’s and Marown and was a keen cross country runner. She said these were accomplishments ‘which may stand him in good stead during his year in office.’ She concluded by congratulating the retiring Mayor and Mayoress Councillor Carol Malarkey and Councillor Sara Hackman ‘on a job well done over the past year.’
In his address His Worship said that he was grateful to his fellow Members for their confidence in electing him and he would endeavour, throughout the year, ‘to show that they have made a wise decision.’
The Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor Stan Cain and his wife, Mrs Sheila CainHe said that as the Council continued to be faced with new challenges ‘it is a good thing to look long and hard at what we do…to best adapt to meet the needs of our ratepayers.
‘I approach this year with some misgivings but confident that I shall have the wholehearted support of my colleagues. I have no doubt that at times it will be gruelling and I shall record now that I treasure the support of my wife and Mayoress, Sheila. I am sure she will keep my feet firmly on the ground and be a valuable support.
‘I intend to enjoy the year and to serve the Council to the very best of my ability.’
In a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor Council Leader Councillor David Christian MBE JP spoke of how Councillor Carol Malarkey (pictured below) had put her own unique stamp on the office of Mayor. He said the annual business lunch she hosted had attracted the highest attendance for some years, led to new contacts being made and friendships struck. He concluded by welcoming her return to the floor of the Council chamber and looked forward to her valuable contributions to Council business as a member of the Housing and Property Committee.
In her reply Councillor Malarkey she had ‘thoroughly enjoyed’ her year in office and spoke of the ‘honour and privilege’ it had been to have served as Mayor of Douglas. ‘As Mayor I’ve been privileged to have seen Douglas and the
His Worship with the retiring Mayoress Councillor Sara Hackman
‘And the view has been truly eye opening. I have been amazed, delighted - and sometimes not a little humbled - discovering just what a fantastic community we’re lucky enough to live in, here in the Isle of Man.
She referred to the ‘overwhelming generosity of the people of the Isle of Man’ which had led to £15,000 being raised for the mayoral charity appeal fund and, in closing, observed: ‘There have been so many occasions when I have been genuinely moved by the essential kindness and generosity of spirit that distinguishes our community, our town and our Island.’
Councillor Jon Joughin will serve as Deputy Mayor
His Worship will be supported by his wife, Mrs Sheila Cain, as Mayoress. Councillor Jon Joughin will serve as Deputy Mayor and his wife, Mrs Catherine Joughin, as Deputy Mayoress. Rev John Coldwell will serve as Mayor’s Chaplain.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Councillors Sara Hackman and Carol Malarkey, and Carl Whittaker, Debra Whittaker and Daniel Whittaker
The Mayor and Mayoress with grandchildren Minkie-Lea Rutherford, seven, Kylie-Louise Rutherford, five and Tegan Moffatt, six. Also pictured is Melissa Rutherford
Deputy Mayor Councillor Jon Joughin and his son, Myles
The celebrations concluded with entertainment from a choir of students from Ballakermeen High School