Douglas Borough Council’s new sheltered housing complex,
The 38-unit complex represents a further partnership between the Council and the Department of Health and Social Care.
Unveiling a plaque marking the occasion His Worship said it was encouraging to see a new building development in Pulrose and wished the tenants well in their new homes. Housing and Property Chairman Councillor David Ashford added that
Hazel Court resident Gillian Fayle
The unveiling completed, the civic party, which included the Mayoress, Mrs Sheila Cain, Council Leader Councillor David Christian MBE JP, Council members and Health and Social Care Minister Howard Quayle MHK, was able to view a number of soon-to-be occupied apartments and meet with some of the tenants.
The Mayor and Mayoress with Hazel Court resident Margaret Watson
Hazel Court resident Sheila McNeill