The Henry Bloom Noble Library has hosted a Barclays Tea & Teach session with a team of the bank’s Digital Eagles.
Offered free by Barclays the sessions, delivered by Digital Eagles, are designed to help adults gain confidence using the internet and offer jargon-free practical advice about devices from smartphones to tablets, sending emails, online privacy protection and generally how to get the best out of the World Wide Web.
Paul and Kathryn Mylchreest with Barclays' Adrian Marsh and Minna Niemela
Jill and Kevin Christian with Barclays' Leona Price
Anne Oates, Yvonne Clay, John Judge and Barbara Young
Heather and David Bellinger, seated, with the library's Vicky Magill, centre and Barclays' Laura Doyle and Kate Atkinson
Barclays' Stephen McCahill with Joy Stephens